




(原題: Verna Myers "How to overcome our biasis? Walk boldly toward them")


1. どんなスピーチ?



2. スピーチの抜粋

スピーカーの Verna は約100年前にアメリカで起きたの黒人についてのドキュメンタリーを見ていました。そのひどさに辛くなってラジオをつけた際に流れてきたのは、丸腰の黒人の少年が警官に打たれた、というニュースでした。

This violence, this brutality, is really something that's part of our national psyche. It's part of our collective history. What are we going to do about it? You know that part of us that still crosses the street, locks the doors, clutches the purses, when we see young black men? That part.





So I have a call to action for you. There are three things that I want to offer us today to think about as ways to stop Ferguson from happening again; three things that I think will help us reform our images of young black men; three things that I'm hoping will not only protect them but will open the world so that they can thrive. 





まず1つめは、"We gotta get out of denial" (否認からの脱却)。私たちは、自分でも気付いていない所で、なにかしらの「偏見」をもっています。


Who is your default? Who do you trust? Who are you afraid of? Who do you implicitly feel connected to? Who do you run away from?

So go looking for your bias. Please, please, just get out of denial and go looking for disconfirming data that will prove that in fact your old stereotypes are wrong.



2つ目の行動は、"move toward young black men instead of away from them."(黒人男性から距離をとるのではなく、歩み寄る) こと。

Biases are the stories we make up about people before we know who they actually are.But how are we going to know who they are when we've been told to avoid and be afraid of them?So I'm going to tell you to walk toward your discomfort.



最後の行動は、難しいかもしれないけれど、"When we see something, we have to have the courage to say something"(なにかを見たときに、声をあげる勇気をもつ)ことです。それが ”even to the people we love” (たとえ愛する人のこと)であっても。

And we wonder why these biases don't die, and move from generation to generation? Because we're not saying anything.



We still struggle, you have to tell them, with seeing both the color and the character of young black men,but that you, and you expect them, to be part of the forces of change in this society that will stand against injustice and is willing, above all other things, to make a society where young black men can be seen for all of who they are.



3. あたらしい言葉たち

  • respite: 一時中断、息抜き
  • odious: 憎たらしい、気に食わない
  • bigot: 頑固者、偏狭な人
  • doting: 溺愛者、ぼけた、老いぼれた


4. 感想

full of emotions. rythm anger laughpersonal episodes with honesty hope


5. スピーチについて

Vernā Myers: How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them

Event: TED × Beacon Street 

Date: Nov 2014

Length: 17:49